The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has recognized the unique aspects of the emPOWER Ankle and has designated a unique code to supplement the existing L5973 Code. The emPOWER Ankle is reimbursed using both the L5973 and the L5969 together.
The L5969 Code reimburses the unique power assist technology of the emPOWER Ankle, describing it as, “Addition, endoskeletal ankle-foot or Ankle, power assist, includes any type motor(s).”
The word “Addition” included in the code enables practitioners to add the L5969 code to the existing L5973 code that reimburses the microprocessor computing of the emPOWER Ankle
Battery and Charger Replacement Coding
If purchased separately, the L Codes for the battery and charger are:
- Lithium Ion Battery L7367
- Lithium Ion Charger L7368
Full product indication and Instructions for Use can be found here (PDF download available)